Sunday, July 24, 2005


White River
I just had a nice ride on the White River at Missouri. Sounds like a place in Middle Earth, it sure feels like it. When you arrive, you feel like a guest, not a stranger. The river looks slow and calm, totally unconcerned how now we are racing information at 1Gbps, that is 166 million words a second.

The first time you dip you paddle in the river, you attempt to dominate the river to travel faster or to go against it; To achieve mastery over it, all I achieved are blisters on my hands.

It is only when you let the river carry you does nature reveal itself to you, and ducks, snakes, beavers, fishes, crayfish come out to greet you. The river is patient and understands relativity. I left Missouri a disciple of the White River. Understand relativity and you will have the "peace of a river".


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