Monday, July 25, 2005

Sick Cat

Sick CatHow abject is slavery? How lonely and despoiled? How base the environment before a slave gains cognition? “Relativity…” whispers the White River, my hot blood stirs and calms. Slavery is a emotive description to indicate a region past the last point of tolerance of exploitation.

Einstein, in “Relativity”, defines a point as something occupying 4 dimensions of time-space. If I can define the point so specifically that the point no longer exists within the macro-physical world, but in the probabilistic micro-physical world, I could blur its existence such that by Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle I can acknowledge that I would never be able to accurately define all aspects of its physical location. And by Schrodinger’s cat, merely attempting to locate my exploitation tolerance point will affect the point itself. I can conclude that finding that point is futile, even damaging to my moral and psychological health. What comfort science brings to us!

Since now that I have convinced myself the only way to escape slavery is to attempt to define my point of tolerance accurately, thereby “fuzzying” the actual definition. Case in point: legal documents. Wow. And I came up with that all by myself! A scientific explanation of law.

You know how when Native American Indians consult their ancestral spirits at trying times? My Chinese blood will boil and sear words to my aural brain cortex and I will hear words like “老虎不发威,你当我是病猫啊!” (translated “tiger (as me) don’t roar, you treat me as a sick cat”) Hot words that hiss at a cold winter night, only gives a fuzzy warm feeling now to me.

I guess my lament in all this is that I am recycling this exploitation. By being exploited in this case, I am aiding in the exploitation of my fellow Singaporeans. My ancient past cries to me the 七步诗 (7 step poem)

Sunday, July 24, 2005


White River
I just had a nice ride on the White River at Missouri. Sounds like a place in Middle Earth, it sure feels like it. When you arrive, you feel like a guest, not a stranger. The river looks slow and calm, totally unconcerned how now we are racing information at 1Gbps, that is 166 million words a second.

The first time you dip you paddle in the river, you attempt to dominate the river to travel faster or to go against it; To achieve mastery over it, all I achieved are blisters on my hands.

It is only when you let the river carry you does nature reveal itself to you, and ducks, snakes, beavers, fishes, crayfish come out to greet you. The river is patient and understands relativity. I left Missouri a disciple of the White River. Understand relativity and you will have the "peace of a river".

Monday, July 11, 2005

Thanks for nothing Citibank Singapore

Citibank Singapore's service sucks. I mean majorly. It must be something about me that makes them hate me, because I seem to be the only one! All my other friends have great service from Citibank Singapore.

I am going to 开门见山 (open door look mountain, means to be succinct). I have got a 欠钱还钱 letter from Citibank Singapore. A letter that looks like a cross between something that came from a loanshark and a kidnap letter.

It says "We have not received the Minimum amount due on your above account. With the gazetting of Credit Bureau (Singapore) Pte Ltd under the Banking Act (Chapter 19) in August 2002, all banks are required to submit their customers' credit records to the bureau." It signs off as "This is a computer generated letter. No signature is required. Credit Control Management Unit."

I owe them $95! My bank account with Citibank Singapore has more than that amount of money! And $60 came from annual fees, which I asked them to waiver and cancel. They refered to another department and they never got back to me, except to charge me another $35 for late fees and to send me a threatening letter.

My action: I sent them back my own email stating "I want to terminate all my credit cards, and credit line services effective July 11th. Please expect legal actions if you do not comply or respond."
I called up customer service which just told me that they cannot help me because they are not 'accounts closure' department, that I would have to call during Singapore operating hours.

I have to call them back during Singapore hours to terminate my credit cards because of no fault of my own? 24 hour service hotline? Secure email contact? Internet international banking? Didn't I see some of these on their website? I told them to leave a note to the accounts closing department and he said he doesn't have my signature authority to do so (granted). But why can't he ask me for my number to call me from, so they can get back to me? Now I have the responsibility to correct a mistake Citibank Singapore did that I have tried to rectify since Mar 2005?

Citibank Singapore has dealt unreasonably with me, I demand justice or an explanation. I have already paid them everything I owe them, so now they owe me. They have unnecessarily tarnished my credit history, I will escalate this until I can tarnish their reputation.